Private Miniature Painting Coaching Session by Impending Duff


Private Miniature Painting Coaching Session by Impending Duff

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $50.00.


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SKU: D2023-CUST-DUFF-SESS Category:


Reserve a 1 hr advanced miniature painting session with the award winning miniature painter ImpendingDuff as your coach.

In this private session ImpendingDuff will help you up your miniature painting skillset by answering your questions, guide you through advanced methods of miniature painting.

All D20 Guests are given miniatures for the public workshop by ImpendingDuff but should you wish to bring a model you’d like to paint at a higher level then you’re encouraged to bring it and the materials you need for the personal project. Other basic paints and materials from Monument Hobbies and Reaper will be available on site at no additional cost.